Starting a YouTube Channel

I’ve decided to start putting behavior videos up on YouTube- this is partly so that it’s easier to point people to those clips, and partly because the future structure of my website is a bit up in the air with Apple’s decision to kill the .mac hosting. I guess I also have data archiving on my mind, and these clips will be around longer the more places I put them. So Voila! My channel is born. I’ll slowly be adding more videos to this.

I watched the PBS special on Wednesday night- My Life as a Turkey. Fantastic! It was not an analytically driven program, but that was not it’s purpose. Instead, a beautifully filmed and produced, intimate and emotional portrait of the relationship between Joe and his wild turkey “kids”. One of the surprising results was how this relationship changed Joe’s relationship to the entire ecosystem. As I commented to someone:

Possibly my favorite part of field ecology is the occasional quiet moment, where one can sit under a tree and "disappear"- to stop being an intruder and become immersed in the natural world. I can only imagine the thrill that the narrator felt to actually be invited into that world by means of his companions.

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